1. Composition of Leadership:
    1. The ICT Centre room buzzed with anticipation. SMC members comprised of farmers, teachers, and elders sat side by side. Their faces etched with determination, they knew this was more than training; it was a chance to cultivate unity.
    1. The composition of the leaders at the ICT Centre comprises of Coordinator, Chairperson, Treasurer and many others.
  2. Evaluation of Past Projects:
    1. The facilitator from BOSCO Uganda LTD shared insights. “Leadership isn’t about titles,” he said. “It’s about adaptability and collaboration.”
    1. They revisited past projects, the community ICT Centre room, what went well and what went wrong during the past project, and what should be done differently to avoid the mistakes made in the past. Emma, the facilitator from BOSCO Uganda LTD, reflected. “Our legacy is in these efforts.”
  3. The Evening Bonfire:
    1. As dusk settled, we then gathered for a brief closing remark. Ideas flowed of challenges overcome, victories celebrated, and shared dreams regarding the installation of the ICT Centre.
  1. Risk Management and Conflict Resolution:
    1. SMCs brainstormed risk scenarios like Intermittent since solar power depends on sunlight, which means it can be intermittent. Cloudy days and nighttime can significantly reduce power generation and the conflict over responsibility for maintenance of the equipment at the ICT Centre. Emma took notes. “Our resilience starts here.”
    1. They explored conflict resolution strategies, learning to navigate disagreements with grace.
  2. Sustainability and Income Generation:
    1. They discussed income-generating projects such as providing internet services to the community, and resource mobilization by the community. Each idea was a seed planted.
  3. Documentation and Record Keeping:
    1. They learned to document decisions, track progress, and maintain financial records. Allan, the Coordinator, said, “Our history matters.”
    1. The facilitator from BOSCO Uganda LTD emphasized the importance of accurate record-keeping.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    1. Armed with newfound skills, they mapped out action plans. The site management committees met in the ICT room to reflect on whatever was shared and discussed in the two days of training.

Below are the photos taken during the training

Compiled by Mwaka Emmanuel Venish

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